Mobile Application Security

Mobile Application Security


Mobile Application Security Testing

At Refactor Security, we delve into your mobile applications, ensuring that potential vulnerabilities across both Android and iOS platforms are identified and addressed, all while working closely with your development teams.

Included services:

Reduce the risk of a breach

Harness our mobile application security expertise to ensure your app offers not just a seamless user experience, but also a fortified defense against potential threats.


Platform Optimization

With unique threats facing Android and iOS, we ensure your app is secured against platform-specific vulnerabilities.


Data Protection

In-depth analysis of how your app stores and transmits data, ensuring end-to-end encryption and security.


Backend Security

Beyond the app, ensuring the backend systems and APIs it communicates with are also robustly secure.


Detailed Mobile Security Report

Our comprehensive report outlines every vulnerability and provides actionable steps for immediate fortification.


Application Testing

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)
SAST (Static Application Security Testing)
Coverage Beyond OWASP Top 10
Web, Mobile, API
Continuous, Full Development Support
CI/CD Integration
Defect Tracking

general question

Frequently Asked Questions

Throughout our frequently asked questions, we want to help and provide you with the service that is right for you.

Let's Work Together

Partner with us to fortify your digital frontiers and elevate your cybersecurity posture.